I Just Retired Now What?

Blog Categories

What Are We Gong to Talk About?

The goal is to make retirement fulfilling and enjoyable.  And taking care of yourself (wellness), tackling what you want (fulfillment), and enjoying life are cornerstones of that mission (enjoyment).  So we will explore a wide variety of ideas and concrete suggestions in those three main categories. 

Each of these categories can take so many paths.   Consequently, as we travel through this journey, these definitions will expand and evolve.  Additionally, comments from all of you will add so much more depth and variety.  So this is just the start. 

bright and colorful walls painted with picture of flower

Also, these categories can overlap and intersect.  So while you may feel you are most interested in one category, maybe browse through the others as well.  You may find articles in other categories that also pique your interest.

I am excited to see where these topics will take us!


Take care of yourself in retirement because making your own physical, mental and emotional health a top priority is not selfish.  Rather it is the best gift you can give those you love.

A healthy lifestyle is the foundation for a fulfilling retirement. And this topic can reach out in so many directions.  For example, something as fundamental as eating takes on a new shape without career or commuting demands.  But just because we have more time doesn’t mean we want to spend all day in the kitchen.  

So we might look new recipes or fun ways to prepare and plan meals that fit our new lifestyle.  Also, what are some different tactics for building physical activity into our daily routine?  How about keeping our minds sharp? 

And one topic that is too often overlooked is the emotional side of this retirement transition.  Just getting out and talking to people, something we once took for granted, now needs deliberate attention.  We will talk about ways to intentionally build that into our routine, stay connected and build new relationships. 

And lastly, we hear a lot about finding balance, but what does that mean?  And now that we have time to focus on balance, what shape does that take for our new retirement life?

Tackle what you want in retirement.  Big or small, focused internally or on the outside world, now you can tackle the projects, ideas or ventures you have always wanted to do or are just discovering.

You have so much to offer.  And feeling productive will help you feel good about yourself.  Maybe you want to get into volunteering or staying in the workforce in some way.  You may have something you’ve always wanted to study but couldn’t fit it in your schedule. This is a great time to study or work on what you love without the burden of financial goals.  

But what should you look for in choosing the right places for your volunteer, academic, or paid time?  What projects do you want to do for yourself that will have a positive impact on your day to day life?  And how can you dive deeply into a house project, for example, while still maintaining balance in your life.  The key to all these issues is scheduling your time with solid intentions.  We will talk about ways of doing just that.

woman standing on edge of Table Mountain in Cape Town with sunset behind her

Enjoy and embrace your retirement lifestyle.  From the grand to the mundane, new discoveries or long time loves, embrace your new lifestyle and find joy in every day.

Retirement equals travel in the minds of many.  And yes, this is a great time to see the world.  But what about the city or community you live in?  I bet there are pockets of interest you’ve passed by for years and never noticed.  

There are all sorts of ways of finding adventure without the cost or burden of big trip planning. 

What about your daily routine? Are there ways of finding more joy in activities you may be taking for granted? 

With Your Help, We Will Keep This Blog Evolving

I am very excited about these topics as a great place to start.  And I am also looking forward to the ways they will grow and evolve as we learn from each other.  Who knows what stories we will end up covering over time?  And that is very exciting to me, and I hope it is to you too. 

I’m so happy to have you with me on this journey.  We are clearly stronger together!

When you are finished changing, you're finished.

Note: All Good Things Involve Limitations

Please keep in mind that this blog is not about giving financial advice of any kind in any way. Additionally, we will talk often about a broad range of healthy choices.  But please, you must consult with your own doctor on anything and everything.


I’m Janice, a retired banking professional.  After spending 35 years managing projects, budgets, large corporate client relationships, and career development programs, I am now focused on managing my new life.  I am learning that preparing for retirement involves more than just financial planning.  So I started this blog as a way of helping myself and others transition into a fulfilling and enjoyable retirement. 


Come Join the Journey

Janice and her golden retriever, Joey

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