I Just Retired Now What?

Retirement Your Way! Your Guide to a Fun and Fulfilling Retirement

When you picture retirement, what do you see? Is it just that you no longer have to get up and go to work? Sure, the classic retirement scenarios—things like waking up whenever you want or playing golf all day—sound good at first, but that can’t be all. 

After a while, a rudderless existence like that can get pretty boring. Before you know it, you might even start to question if you should’ve retired in the first place! Yikes! That’s why it’s so important to define retirement your way, deliberately and with intention. 

Retirement is a unique chapter of life during which you can truly focus on finding fulfillment. Embrace this chance to explore your passions, reconnect with your core values, and strike a balance that resonates with your authentic self. Your retirement is a blank canvas waiting for your personal touch, so seize the opportunity to break the retirement mold and define it in your own special way! In this article, I’ll share a few inspiring stories (some of which are my own) plus some practical guidance to help you create your ideal retirement lifestyle. Since everyone is different, retirement your way will differ from retirement my way, which is why it’s important to take some time to think through your own personalized retirement plan.

couple sitting on the beach at sunset

Dad’s Advice on Defining Retirement Your Way

I recently spent some quality time with my dad. One sunny afternoon we took a leisurely stroll together. He excitedly told me about his impressive 4,000-square-foot vegetable garden, which, at the age of 93, he still lovingly tends. Throughout the years, he’s also hired numerous local kids, giving them a chance to work, earn, and learn valuable life lessons.

One day a neighbor saw his thriving garden and exclaimed, “This is so much work! Aren’t you supposed to be retired and taking it easy?” That’s when my dad shared his wisdom with me, saying, “Everyone needs to define retirement in their own way.” He affectionately refers to his garden as his “fitness center” and added with a chuckle, “You can’t just sit around drinking beer all day. After the second one, it doesn’t taste so good anymore!”

My dad’s words got me thinking and inspired me to keep pursuing my own projects. As he said, we all need to carve our own retirement path. For me, this blog is my way of doing just that, giving me purpose and a reason to start each day with enthusiasm. Sure, it sometimes feels like work, but it’s a labor of love without a paycheck, and that’s okay.

Retirement Your Way Begins with a Solid Foundation

Embarking on the exciting journey of retirement calls for a strong foundation built on purpose, joy, and balance. Here’s a closer look at what these elements entail and how they can enrich your retirement experience.

Purpose  Find meaningful ways to contribute to the world around you. Whether through grand gestures or small acts, in the public eye or behind the scenes, your purpose can assume many forms. Consider volunteering, mentoring, or engaging in activities that align with your values and passions.

Joy  Retirement offers ample opportunities to immerse yourself in activities you genuinely love and to connect with people who bring happiness into your life. Rediscover hobbies, explore new interests, and cultivate relationships with friends and family to make your days feel vibrant and fulfilling.

Balance  In retirement, it’s crucial to strike a balance between savoring your newfound freedom and maintaining a sense of structure that supports your well-being. Embrace the present while making plans for the future. You can find balance by establishing a daily routine, setting personal goals, and prioritizing your health and finances, for starters.

Learn from the past, and be mindful of the future, while living purposefully and joyfully in the present.

By weaving purpose, joy, and balance into the fabric of your retirement you’ll create a fulfilling and dynamic experience tailored to your unique aspirations and desires.

3 Steps to Defining Retirement Your Way

While your dream retirement and mine might be very different, I can share some practical guidelines to help you create your own roadmap for your dream retirement lifestyle. Taking time to journal about ways to bring purpose, joy, and balance to your life will help you with the following steps.

1. Connect With Your Core Values

First things first, let’s figure out your core values. To do this, take a moment to reflect on what truly matters to you. I always suggest going for a refreshing walk outdoors while pondering these big questions. There’s just something about a brisk stroll that gets the thoughts flowing smoothly. Once you’ve mulled over what’s important to you, jot down your discoveries.

If you search “personal values” online, you’ll find words like achievement, adventure, courage, dependability, friendship, and health. Here’s a great list of values from author James Clear to help you get started. 

Your list might include being a caring and trustworthy friend, a nurturing parent or grandparent, or an active member of your community. It’s likely you’ll place importance on your health and well-being, and since we’re talking about retirement, perhaps independence is a standout value as well.

Now that you have your list, it’s time to dig deeper. What do these values mean to you? It’s easy to scribble down random words, but you need to give them context. For example, if friendship is significant to you, envision what that looks like in your life. If dependability is a core value, list the people who rely on you and why. When it comes to contributing to the world, determine what aspects truly resonate with you—the environment, equality, education, supporting the elderly, or something else? The choice is yours!

silhouette of a woman sitting cross-legged on the ground at sunrise or sunset. mountains in the background

2. Compare Your Core Values to Your Daily Routine: A Fun Exploration!

Ready to embrace your inner detective to uncover how your core values compare to your current daily routine? Good detective work starts with observation. For the next two weeks, make an effort to write down everything you do, from your morning coffee to Netflix binges, and everything in between. 

Once your two-week investigation is complete, it’s time for some analysis. Place your list of core values and your two-week journal side by side. As impartially as you can, compare the two. Where do your activities and values line up in perfect harmony? Where do they seem to be living completely separate lives?

This exercise will help you identify the gaps between your core values and your current lifestyle. Jot down these discrepancies and ponder how you can bridge the divide.

But wait, there’s more! Don’t forget to examine your surroundings, too. Take a good look around and ask yourself whether your environment supports your values? Are you surrounded by items, people, or habits that reflect your core beliefs? Are there things that might be hindering your ability to live in alignment with what truly matters to you?

Remember, this fun and friendly exploration is all about bringing your values and your daily life closer together so you can live a more fulfilling and authentic retirement.

silhouette of a person leaping across a gap between two rocks, with a two way arrow beneath him. Text in upper left: "How you are currently living your life". Text in lower right: "Your most important core values"

3. Craft Your Personal Gap-Bridging Plan: Let the Adventure Begin!

Now that you’ve identified the gaps between your core values and your daily routine it’s time to create a tailor-made plan to narrow those gaps. This is your personal roadmap to a more fulfilling retirement, so get ready for an exciting journey.

This step is all about you and your unique situation. Only you can chart the best course forward. To help ignite your creativity, here are a few examples inspired by real-life people. 

Larry’s Exciting Quest for Fitness and Family Time

Meet Larry, a fun-loving grandpa who cherishes his independence and spending quality time with his family. Lately, Larry has noticed he’s a bit out of shape and keeps telling himself he’ll do something about it. He realizes that staying fit and healthy is crucial for maintaining his independence and keeping up with his energetic grandkids.

To this end, Larry embarks on a thrilling mission: First, he books an appointment with his doctor. Together, they create an action-packed plan to boost his fitness and overall health. 

Next up, he reevaluates his calendar to make room for his new exercise routine, healthy meal planning, and delicious recipe research. He’s excited to transform his lifestyle, stay active, and make unforgettable memories with his loved ones.

Larry’s story shows us that it’s never too late to make positive changes in our lives. With determination, a sprinkle of fun, and a dash of motivation, we can all create a retirement that’s bursting with health, happiness, and cherished family moments.

Barbara’s Fantastic Home Makeover Adventure

Meet Barbara, a doting grandma who absolutely adores her grandchildren and can’t wait to spend more time with them. This heartfelt desire sits right at the top of Barbara’s value list, but she’s noticed that her home is a bit cluttered, which makes it challenging for guests to visit and may not be the safest environment for her little ones.

She starts to wonder if this is the reason her children seem hesitant to leave the grandkids with her, despite her frequent offers to help. Determined to make a change, Barbara embarks on a complete home makeover journey.

Tackling the clutter and freshening up her home become Barbara’s top priorities. She knows this will not only improve her family situation but also bring her immense joy. With her space revamped, she can’t wait to invite friends over for spontaneous coffee breaks or cozy afternoon teas.

By decluttering and rejuvenating her home, Barbara creates a welcoming environment that she’s proud of. Now, she can look forward to more cherished moments with her beloved grandchildren and create lasting memories with her friends in her warm and inviting space. Let the good times roll!

Joe’s Eco-Conscious Retirement Adventure

Joe has been dreaming about his retirement for ages, eagerly anticipating the day he can finally dedicate his time to environmental causes close to his heart. He’s excited to join forces with like-minded groups and make a real difference but life keeps getting in the way, and Joe finds that his volunteer aspirations keep getting pushed aside. 

Every day he tells himself, “I’ll look into this tomorrow,” but tomorrow never seems to come. Joe knows that finding the perfect volunteer opportunity takes time and research, and he’s determined to give it the attention it deserves.

To make his eco-conscious dreams a reality, Joe decides to create a plan for closing the gap between his values and his daily routine. He commits to setting aside dedicated time for researching and selecting an organization that aligns with his passion for the environment.

By introducing a disciplined block schedule into his life, Joe ensures he stays on track with his goals. Now, he can confidently embark on his green retirement adventure and contribute to a better world for generations to come. Go, Joe!

Dad’s Green Thumb Adventure

The other day, my sister asked my dad if, looking back on his life, he would have done anything differently. As I mentioned earlier, he’s passionate about his garden (his “fitness center”). I firmly believe that his garden is what keeps him going, giving him purpose and joy. He loves the work, donates produce to food pantries, shares with neighbors, and hires local kids who are eager to learn (and can handle his “fatherly advice”).

However, my dad admitted that he wishes he had found a similar property with a single-story house about twenty years ago. If he had made that move, he’d feel more settled and secure in his independence today. And, to be honest, his daughters would be less worried too.

So what’s the lesson from my dad’s Green Thumb Adventure? It’s never too early to think about your future needs and consider how they align with your passions. That way, you can keep doing what you love for years to come, just like my dad and his beloved garden!

Grandpa in his greenhouse

Define Retirement Your Way By Closing the Gaps

Now that you’ve identified the gaps between how you’re currently living your life and where you want to be, let’s talk about a tactical plan for making it happen. 

I’ve divided this website into 3 core categories:

1. Wellness  This category is dedicated to helping you take excellent care of yourself, which is crucial for a fulfilling retirement. Wellness is the key to finding balance, experiencing joy, and maintaining the energy you need to pursue your purpose.

2. Fulfillment  Articles in this category focus on (a) balancing and managing your time thoughtfully to concentrate on your values, (b) establishing an environment that supports your values, and (c) offering suggestions and starting points to help you transform your purpose into engaging tangible activities.

3. Enjoyment  This category covers topics that help you fully appreciate this precious time in your life. Discover fun activities, stay connected, and maintain those vital social interactions that enrich your retirement experience.

infographic: "3 Steps to Defining Retirement Your Way"

More Resources to Help You Define Retirement Your Way

Retirement doesn’t have to have a one-size-fits-all approach. You get to define it your way, and the possibilities are endless! Want to keep working? Awesome! Feel like hitting the golf course and bridge table? Go for it! Interested in learning something new? Let’s do it! 

Whatever your dream retirement looks like, remember that it’s never too late to make it a reality. It’s time to get excited about the journey ahead and create the retirement of your dreams on your own terms. Here are a few more resources to help you get started. 

Here’s to finding balance, peace, and joy! 

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