I Just Retired Now What?

How To Start A Film Club: Tips For Success

Starting a film club is a fantastic way to enjoy movies with others who share your passion. Whether you’re a film fanatic or just looking for a fun group activity, a film club offers the chance to explore different film genres and engage in lively discussions.

For seniors in particular, it’s also a wonderful opportunity to stay active and make new friends.

This article will walk you through the steps to start your own film club, from planning and organizing your first meeting to keeping members engaged and excited.

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Filmstrip graphic with text "How to Start a Film Club: Tips for Success" and ijustretirednowwhat.com

Planning Your Film Club

Before hosting your first film club meeting, it’s important to do some initial planning to ensure everything runs smoothly. Here are a few key aspects to consider:

Choose a Focus

Decide on the types of films your club will explore. This could include a broad range of genres or a specific niche like classic films, documentaries, foreign films, or even horror movies. 

For clubs targeting seniors, classic or nostalgic films can be particularly appealing, as they often evoke fond memories and lead to rich, engaging discussions. 

Clearly communicating your club’s focus to prospective members helps set expectations and attract those with similar interests. You can also consider rotating themes or genres periodically to keep the club dynamic and exciting.

Target Audience

Identify the demographic you want to attract to your film club. If you’re focusing on seniors, emphasize the social and interactive aspects of the club, such as the opportunity to discuss films and share personal insights. 

Highlighting how the club can be a space for social connection and intellectual stimulation can be appealing. Consider scheduling meetings during the day, as this is often more convenient for older adults who may prefer not to go out in the evenings. 

Additionally, you could cater to specific interests within the senior community, such as films from certain eras or those that deal with particular themes.

Club Structure

Decide on the organizational structure of your club. This might include forming a committee or assigning specific roles, such as film club leaders, event coordinators, or discussion moderators. Having clear roles helps distribute responsibilities and ensures that tasks like film selection, event planning, and communication are handled efficiently. 

Taking on leadership or organizational roles can provide seniors a sense of purpose and engagement. You can also create subcommittees for different tasks, allowing members to contribute according to their strengths and interests.

group of senior friends sitting around a table talking


Assess the financial aspects of running a film club. Costs may include purchasing or renting films, acquiring necessary equipment like projectors or screens, and securing a venue. It’s important to establish a budget that covers these expenses. Funding your expenses could come from assessing a small membership fee for the club.

 Additionally, consider the need for liability insurance to protect your club and its members, especially if you’re hosting events in public or rented spaces. 

Explore options for discounts or subsidies from local senior centers or community programs to help keep costs manageable. You might also look into partnerships with local businesses or organizations that could sponsor your club or offer in-kind support.

Creating a Comfortable Environment

Consider the logistics and environment of your meetings. Ensure that the venue is comfortable and accessible, with good seating and visibility for all attendees. Think about additional comforts, such as providing refreshments and accommodating any special needs your members might have. If meetings are held at club members’ homes, plan to help them set up before and clean up after meetings. Creating a welcoming atmosphere is crucial for making members feel valued and eager to participate.

Consider the Technology You’ll Be Using to Communicate to the Group

Incorporating technology into your film club’s operations can greatly enhance communication and engagement among members. Here are some ways to effectively use technology.

Set Up a Website or Social Media Page

Create a simple website or social media page for your film club to serve as a central hub for information. You can share event schedules, meeting locations, details about upcoming screenings, and any special activities or announcements. 

A website can also feature a blog section for reviews and discussions about past films, providing a space for members to share their thoughts and insights. 

Facebook is good for creating a group that is only available to club members. You can use Instagram to sharing photos from meetings and post quick updates.

Screenshot of a mockup Facebook group called "Our Film Club"

Email Newsletters and Group Chats

An email newsletter is a simple way to update members about the latest club news regularly. This can be particularly helpful for members who prefer email over social media. Include information on upcoming films, meeting recaps, and any changes to the schedule. 

Group chat applications like Slack can also be useful for more immediate communication. Slack has a free version that would be sufficient for keep film club members connected and it’s easy to use. 

These tools enable quick updates, informal discussions, and a sense of community as members can easily interact.

Online Polls and Surveys

Utilize online polls and surveys to involve members in decision-making processes, such as choosing films or planning events. Tools like Google Forms or SurveyMonkey are easy to use and can provide valuable feedback on what members enjoy and what could be improved. 

This participatory approach helps members feel more invested in the club and ensures that the activities and films chosen reflect the group’s interests.

Technical Assistance

Keeping in mind that some members, especially seniors, may not be familiar with digital tools, it may be helpful to offer technical assistance for the tech tools your club uses.

This may include tutorials about accessing the website, joining a social media group, or participating in virtual meetings. Providing this support ensures that all members can stay informed and engaged, regardless of their tech skills.

By carefully planning these aspects, you’ll set a strong foundation for a successful and enjoyable film club that meets the needs and interests of its members. This thoughtful approach helps attract and retain members, fostering a vibrant community around a shared love of cinema.

Organizing Your First Meeting

Now that you’ve completed some initial planning, it’s time to set up your first meeting. Here are a few tips to help you get started. 

Finding a Venue

Choose a venue that’s accessible and comfortable for all members, especially seniors. Consider locations with minimal stairs; ramps or elevators for members with mobility issues;  ample parking; and accessible restrooms. 

Comfortable seating, good lighting, and good acoustics are also crucial for an enjoyable experience. Venues like community centers, libraries, or even a member’s home can work well.

group of seniors sitting in chairs looking at something out of frame

Choosing Your First Film

Selecting the first film sets the tone for your film club. Choose a film that aligns with your group’s focus and interests as defined in the planning stage. 

For example, if your club focuses on classics, start with a well-loved classic that can encourage discussion and help members ease into the group dynamic. Consider providing background information about the film to enrich the viewing experience.

Promoting Your Club

Effective promotion is key to attracting members. Use social media, flyers, and bulletin boards to spread the word about your film club. 

For senior-focused clubs, reach out to senior centers and retirement communities. Highlight the social benefits and accommodations, such as accessible seating, hearing assistance devices, and convenient meeting times.

Getting Permissions

Ensure you have the necessary screening rights for the films you plan to show. This may involve purchasing or renting a license, such as a Digital Cinema Package (DCP) for high-quality screenings or a public performance license for public or semi-public spaces. Including these costs in your budget planning is crucial to avoid legal issues.

Running a Fun and Successful Film Club

Being part of a film club is about more than just watching movies with friends; it’s a great way to socialize, learn, and explore different perspectives. Here are some ideas to make your film club more engaging and enjoyable.

Film Screenings and Discussions

Start your meetings by sharing some interesting facts or trivia about the film you’ll be watching. This may include information about the director, the actors, the film’s historical context, or behind-the-scenes stories. 

After the screening, facilitate discussions by asking open-ended questions that encourage members to share their thoughts and interpretations. To foster a deeper connection and understanding, encourage members to discuss how the film relates to their personal experiences or current events.

Special Events

Organize special events to add variety and depth to your film club’s offerings. This could include guest speakers, such as local filmmakers or film historians, who can provide unique insights and spark interesting discussions. 

Consider hosting themed screenings, like films from a specific director, genre, or country, to expand members’ cinematic horizons. 

Offering refreshments, like a glass of wine, coffee, or snacks, can create a relaxed and sociable atmosphere, making the events more enjoyable.

Membership and Engagement

Keep members actively involved by offering a range of activities beyond regular screenings. This could include reading and discussing books related to films you’ve watched, organizing workshops on topics like film analysis or filmmaking, or even planning visits to local film festivals. 

Ensure all members are well-informed about upcoming events and activities by using newsletters, emails, or phone calls. Creating a social media group or a simple website can also help keep everyone connected and engaged.

Growing Your Club

Once your club is up and running, you’ll probably experience some member churn as some people lose interest. Don’t worry, that’s to be expected with any group. It’s a good idea to keep promoting your club to gain new members.

Here are some tips to help you grow.

Marketing Your Club

Emphasize the social benefits and welcoming environment of your film club. Partner with local senior centers and organizations for mutual promotion. 

Using both online and offline methods, such as social media, local newspapers, and community newsletters (print and email), can help reach a broader audience.

Community Involvement

Engage with the senior community by organizing special screenings at local senior centers or retirement homes. This outreach can attract new members and provide valuable community service.


To keep the club sustainable and accessible, consider offering discounted membership fees for seniors or organizing fundraising events to subsidize costs. Ensure the venues are senior-friendly and accessible.

movie theater with red seats and text "WELCOME TO OUR AWESOME FILM CLUB!" on the screen

Creating and running a successful film club involves thoughtful planning, keeping members engaged, and attracting new members. With these tips, the process can be smooth and enjoyable.

So, gather some friends, choose a great film, and dive into the world of cinema together. Your film club could become a regular highlight, offering entertainment, new friendships, and shared experiences.

If you’re looking for some great film ideas, check out 30 of the Best Movies for Seniors.


What is the purpose of a film club?

A film club brings together people who enjoy watching and discussing movies. It offers a space to explore different genres, share insights, and deepen your appreciation for cinema. For seniors, it also provides a great opportunity to socialize and stay active.

How often should a film club meet?

The frequency of meetings can vary based on the group’s preferences. Some clubs meet weekly, while others might meet bi-weekly or monthly. It’s essential to find a schedule that works for the majority of members and keeps everyone engaged.

Do film clubs need to pay for film rights?

Yes, most film clubs need to obtain screening rights to legally show movies. This might involve purchasing or renting a Digital Cinema Package or obtaining a public performance license. Handling these permissions properly is crucial to avoid legal issues.

What are the best movies for a film club to watch?

The best movies depend on your club’s focus and the interests of its members. You might choose classic films, documentaries, foreign films, or new releases. It’s also fun to have themed nights or explore different genres to keep things interesting.

How can film clubs attract new members?

Promoting your club through social media, community bulletin boards, and local newsletters can help attract new members. For senior-focused clubs, reaching out to senior centers and retirement communities can be effective. Hosting special events and creating a welcoming atmosphere will also encourage people to join.

Can film clubs be used in a college application?

Yes, being involved in a film club can demonstrate leadership skills, teamwork, and a passion for film, all of which can be valuable in a college application. It shows that you are active in extracurricular activities and can manage and participate in group settings.

What kind of insurance do film clubs need?

Film clubs may need liability insurance coverage, especially if they host events in public or rented venues. This insurance helps protect the club in case of accidents or other issues during screenings or events. It’s a good idea to consult with an insurance company to understand the specific needs of your club.

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