I Just Retired Now What?

Retired and Looking for a New Challenge? Why Not Build a Website?

Are you recently retired and feeling a bit bored? Wondering what’s next? Building a website might just be the exciting project you need. 

But maybe you think it’s too complicated, or that you need special skills or training. That’s what I first thought, but despite my initial hesitation, building a website turned out to be a wonderfully fulfilling journey. Here’s how you can do it too, without the struggles I faced.

sphere with website and web design-related words in it, including Web Design, Website, .com, www, browser layout, content, ftp, etc

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Why Build a Website?

Learning new skills can have many benefits. Learning helps keep your mind sharp and keeps boredom at bay. If that skill is web development, you’ll also be able to create a platform to connect with others and even start a small business (if that’s your goal). Plus, it’s a fantastic outlet for creativity. Whether you’re sharing personal stories, showcasing talents, or covering interesting topics, a website can make it happen.

Lessons from My Experience

When I started building my website I made plenty of mistakes. A couple of common mistakes made by novice website creators include:

  • jumping in without a clear plan
  • overlooking the importance of understanding basic web design principles

Now that my site has been up and running for several years, I can easily say that every step in the website-building process teaches something valuable. My mistakes were great learning opportunities, but knowing a few tips in advance can save you time and frustration.

word "website" in blue capital letters being "constructed" with scaffolding on the second "E" and cranes dropping the first "E" and the "S" into place. yellow bulldozer sitting in front of the "W"

Step-by-Step Guide to Building Your Website

Step 1: Define Your Purpose and Audience

Creating a successful website begins with knowing why you’re building it and who you’re building it for. Ask yourself, “What problem am I solving for my readers?” or “What value am I offering?” Really take some time to answer these questions. This step ensures your website has a solid direction and will appeal to the right audience.

Step 2: Understand the Components of a Website

Before diving into the details, you’ll need a high-level understanding of what makes up a website. 

Content  This includes everything you put on your site, from articles (blog posts) to images and videos. Your content should align with your audience’s interests.

Design  The visual elements of your website, which include colors, fonts, and page layouts, should complement your content and be consistent across your site.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization)  Optimized content helps people find your website through search engines like Google. You don’t need to be an SEO expert, but having a basic understanding of keywords is important.

Understanding how these components work together enhances the effectiveness of your site.

Step 3: Learn the Basics Before You Start

Start with general tutorials that provide overviews of web design and content creation. This broad knowledge will make it easier to pick up more detailed skills later.

I recommend checking platforms like YouTube or Skillshare for free introductory courses. 

Step 4: Plan and Build

After you’ve purchased your domain name (the website address of your site), choose a reliable hosting service, like BlueHost, and a content management system (CMS), like WordPress. I used both Bluehost and WordPress to build my site. They’re user-friendly for beginners and provide great support. 

Using a page builder like Elementor makes things even easier, allowing you to drag and drop elements like text blocks, images, contact forms, and more onto your pages.

hands typing on a keyboard with overlaid technology-related images; logos for bluehost, WordPress, and elementor

Once you have your domain, hosting, and WordPress ready to go, begin with a basic structure:

  • set up your Home, About, and Contact pages
  • if you’ll be blogging, set up a blog page where all of your posts will live
  • set up your site’s appearance, including colors and fonts

Practical Tips and Resources

Choosing a Hosting Platform

A hosting platform is a service website owners use to make their websites accessible. Think of it as the land where you build your house; it’s where your website’s data lives. 

Choosing the right hosting platform is crucial because it affects your website’s speed, reliability, and security. This choice often comes down to your specific needs and budget. It’s a good idea to compare a few options to find the best fit for you. There are plenty of resources for comparing hosting companies before you decide which one to use. 

Website-Building How-Tos

Google “how to build a website” and you’ll turn up articles, blog posts, and YouTube videos galore. This is worth doing, of course (you should always do your own research!) but here are a few of my favorite resources to get you started.

Cathrin Manning 

Cathrin Manning is an excellent resource for those looking to dive deep into the world of blogging. She provides comprehensive guidance on creating engaging content, optimizing your blog posts for SEO, and growing your online presence. The site offers resources including detailed instructional videos and downloadable worksheets that are especially useful for new bloggers aiming to establish a solid foundation.


The Skillshare learning platform offers subscriptions to a wide range of courses across various fields, including web development, graphic design, content writing, and digital marketing. What makes Skillshare attractive is its project-based approach, where you can learn by doing. This hands-on method helps reinforce the learning material and allows you to apply what you’ve learned directly to your website or blog.


Udemy is another online platform offering courses tailored to specific aspects of website building, such as SEO and web design. Udemy features courses taught by industry experts and provides lifetime access to course materials, meaning that once you purchase a course, you can revisit it anytime to refresh your knowledge or catch up on updates. Whether you’re a beginner needing basics or an experienced user looking for advanced techniques, Udemy has options for every level.

Ongoing Learning and Improvement

Building and maintaining a website is an ongoing project. Engaging with your audience through comments and social media will help you create a community around your website and give you direct feedback on what works and what doesn’t. Use this feedback to refine your content and design.

Moreover, staying up-to-date with the latest web technology, SEO best practices, and design trends will ensure your website remains relevant and effective. Subscribe to newsletters, join webinars, and participate in relevant forums and discussion groups. This engagement will give you new opportunities for learning and keep you connected with a network of peers and experts, which can be invaluable for your growth and development.

Building and maintaining a website can be a rewarding experience that brings new learning and connections into your life. Don’t hesitate to take the first step. I look forward to hearing about your successes and learning together. Happy building!

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