I Just Retired Now What?

Learn How to Embrace Each Day with Purpose Using Block Planning

Whether you're retired or still working, your time is valuable!

Block planning will allow you to:

  • make the most of each day by investing just 15 minutes a week
  • feel confident you’re not wasting any of your precious time
  • start living your life with intention and purpose

What Is Block Planning?

Block planning is a valuable time management system in which activities (or groups of related activities) are assigned to segments (blocks) of time throughout the day.  For example, you may reserve a two-hour block of time every Tuesday to shop for groceries  or reserve the first hour of your day for coffee and your morning routine. 

You can see how block planning is helpful for completing routine tasks, but it can also help you make time for activities you always intend to but don’t. 

Live Forward with Intention, Not Backward with Regret!

Learn how to embrace each day with purpose using block planning, a simple system that will help you focus on what matters most to you and avoid wasting this time you worked so hard for!

“From my own experience. retirement is a difficult transition. It requires a whole new way of thinking. Your concepts of “block planning” & the vital step of defining “what your retirement means to you” are both blindingly obvious and simply genius. Thank you for helping set me on my retirement path.”  (Larry – Florida)

Get Your Free Guide to Block Planning

How Does Block Planning Work?

In your free block planning guide, I walk you through each step and provide you with strategies for success.  Here is a summary of the 5 simple steps to get you started with block planning.

Step 1: Track Your Daily Activities

You need to know where you’re spending your time now so that you can know what where your spending the bulk of your time. 

Step 2: Summarize Your Week

Reflect on your documented daily activities for insights.

Step 3: Design Your Ideal Week

What are the things you value and have been “meaning to do”?

Step 4: Build a Bridge from Real to Ideal

Compare your current state with your ideal. Where are the gaps? 

Step 5: Keep It Going

Make block planning a habit! 

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